the Future
and InNOvations
We started smART.
PANKA stands out in the world of Civil and Military Aviation, not just as a company, but as a collective of seasoned experts. Our team, boasting over 15 years of individual experience across the Aviation, Military, and Software industries, forms the backbone of our R&D powerhouse. This wealth of experience is not confined within our walls; it's bolstered by an extensive network of global partnerships, enabling us to craft innovative software and hardware solutions that are second to none. At PANKA, our mission is more than developing technology; it's about pioneering advancements that redefine aviation. Our vision is to lead the forefront of aviation technology, ensuring that each product is not just a tool, but a symbol of our commitment to excellence, innovation, and the future of aerospace. PANKA is where experience meets innovation, creating a synergy that transforms the skies into realms of endless possibilities.
Innovative R&D in Aviation Technology
PANKA leads with pioneering R&D in aviation, blending advanced software and hardware solutions.
Global Network of Expertise
Our extensive global partnerships enhance our innovative capacity, merging diverse insights and skills
Dedication to Quality and Precision
At PANKA, quality is paramount. Our focus on precision ensures products surpass civil and military standards.
Unmatched Expertise in Aviation Innovation
Global Collaboration, Local Excellence
Quality and Precision: Our Commitment to Excellence
At PANKA, we don't just build solutions; we elevate the very essence of flight. Our mission is to soar beyond the known horizons of aviation technology, fueled by the collective wisdom of over 15 years of individual expertise. Here, we believe that the sky is not the limit but our canvas for innovation.
Zapytanie ofertowe
Przedmiotem zamówienia jest wyłonienie Oferenta, któremu powierzona zostanie realizacja części prac związanych z pracami nad badaniami i testami systemu zarządzania bezzałogowymi statkami powietrznymi w ramach projektu, o którego finansowanie ubiega się Zamawiający w ramach konkursu nr 1/PERUN/2023 na wykonanie i finansowanie projektów w zakresie badań naukowych lub prac rozwojowych na rzecz obronności i bezpieczeństwa państwa w ramach programu pn. „Nowe technologie w obszarze bezpieczeństwa i obronności państwa” pk. PERUN.